Pubblicato il nuovo WP del progetto In-AGE: Ageing in place in different care regimes. The role of care arrangements and the implications for the quality of life and social isolation of frail older people

Si segnala la pubblicazione del Working Paper della serie DAStU-LPS scritto da Giuliana Costa (Politecnico), Maria Gabriella Melchiorre (INRCA-IRCCS) e Marco Arlotti (Politecnico): Ageing in place in different care regimes. The role of care arrangements and the implications for the quality of life and social isolation of frail older people Il WP si sviluppa a … Leggi tutto Pubblicato il nuovo WP del progetto In-AGE: Ageing in place in different care regimes. The role of care arrangements and the implications for the quality of life and social isolation of frail older people